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What is it about 20th Century (European) dictators?

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abstibus | 14:35 Sat 25th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Putin 5' 7"
Stalin 5' 8"
Hitler 5' 8"
All smaller than me.
Just thought I'd say.


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Don't forget Napoleon! He was in that height range. Not sure whether he was a dictator, though!
Robert Mugabe all of 5'4".
Yep, all little men bigging it up.
most people were smaller back then. (Something to do with living on a depression diet for years, probably.) You can add 4 to 6 inches to get an estimate of how tall they might be today. So Putin's the only one unusually short for his time, and he's an elected president, not a dictator.
What height is David Cameron?
6ft apparently.
possibly less since he began losing his hair at the top
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Putin - ex KGB - ask Berezhovsky, Gusinsky and Khodorkhovsky for their opinions on whether he's a president or a dictator.
Don't know Sandy... but he's rather big on TV!
I think we'd better go around measuring some people to see if they fit the bill as a potential dictator! There again, as one of you said, the height range may have to be adjusted for the present day sizes.
Anne Robinson's only little................
Putin tries to curb the activities of billionaire oligarchs and they say he's a dictator; there's a surprise. I wish Cameron would do the same, and never mind what names the bankers called him.

None the less, Putin was elected president twice. He's currently prime minister, which isn't an elected post, but is running for the presidency again.
Democracy at work, eh, jno? Go Putin!
Exit or entrance alan.

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What is it about 20th Century (European) dictators?

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