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TWR | 11:50 Sat 25th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Take care the Dragon of Blackpool I am there toady.


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That's not very nice!!!
who is that addressed at?
Question Author
I would guess it's aimed at Jackthehat!!
Who's toady are you?
You have mispelt 'there' should be 'their'........and I've decided that you were a rubbish toady so I have fired you.
Haha Jack .....LOL
TWR - Toady..whats the WR stand for?
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With Regrets?
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Thanks for the Tea & Buns Jack, you are so warming x
The bill will be with you shortly.......along with your P45. :o)
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Can't help but like you realy.
I can understand that TWR.....................pmsl.
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The 2 of us have an agreement Craft, I put on the posts & she criticizes, I give her some stick, she enjoys it, I get banned, she laughs, that's the agreement.
lol TWR seems okay to me....................
Question Author
Wait for it Craft?
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Must be Craft?

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