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Mornin' All.

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moonraker558 | 05:29 Mon 27th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
Another week starts here and we are going to be teased with a hint of Spring again this week so I believe so enjoy it while you can. Happy day's.


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Morning everyone. Hope youve all had a good weekend. Ive had a great couple of days clothes shopping and I dont even feel guilty. Has been raining here overnight, but sky looks as if it might brighten up. Hope so
Have a good day
Clothes shopping ... good therapy, TOH.
Morning TOH, when are you away for your holiday? Hope you have a lovely time and the weather is kind.

Lol JJ, feet on the ground and a happy face are all good :D
Fine thanks JJ. Did you enjoy your holiday?
It was only a long weekend really, but yes, it was good thanks. We had a night at one of my absolute favourite hotels at the other end of the lake, and then a few days skiing. The snow is amazing at the moment. Just wonderful. Got the girls' ski weekend coming up soon, so hoping for more of the same.
Good for you JJ. Enjoy it all while you may.
Time I was elsewhere. Have a happy day xxxxx
good morning each. weather report from the south west : dull, grey and wet. oh joy another day of rain.

Hope you all have a good day.

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