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29 February

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sherrardk | 19:31 Tue 28th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Is 29 February officially called Leap Day or is it just a term made up by the publishers of my calendar?


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I guess it's like April 1st. No official body has named it "All Fools' Day" but evverybody knows what that term means.
its leap day for the leap year
The day you can propose 4get!!! Are you going down on one knee!!! ;o)
Any female fed up of waiting for a proposal from the man in your life? Tomorrow is your chance.
No way am I. When we first got together I sent him a text on leap day saying we've been together a while now, blah blach blah, I'd like to ask you.......what you want for tea tonight. He said when I saw him that night that he would have said no as he would want to be the one asking me

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29 February

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