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Marie or Marie

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lillylemon | 17:42 Tue 28th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
How do people pronnounce the name Marie, is it Muree or Marry


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My sister was Maree as long as I knew her...
I know two and they pronounce them differently.
A Lady had a little lamb
His name he thought was Gary
and whether she was Mary or Marie
Though she's as hairy as Harry.
There was a girl I know who they called

Scary, hairy Mary. And she was, poor girl!!!!
In Welsh it's Mari (rhyming with Harry) which in Welsh is Hari.
In Scots gaelic the Mh is aspirated and pronoounced as a V therefore making Mhairi - Vari in some places (namely my great neice)
I know a Marie (Ma-ree) and a Mari (Marry) and a Mhairi (Var-ee)
> In Scots gaelic the Mh is aspirated and pronoounced as a V therefore making Mhairi - Vari in some places (namely my great neice)

Once again, in Scots Gaelic, the name is Màiri, not Mhàiri. As with Latin and Greek and many other languages, nouns in Scots Gaelic have a vocative case. That is, they change when you call somebody by their name to their face.

In Scots Gaelic, when you meet Màiri and say hello to her, you don't say "Halò Màiri" - you say "Halò a Mhàiri". Similarly, when Gaelic speakers meet me, they don't say "Halò Marc" - they say "Halò a Mhairc.

Non-native speakers, hearing Gaels address each other this way, have assumed totally incorrectly that Mhàiri is a girl's name in Gaelic. It isn't - it's Màiri.

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Marie or Marie

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