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Susanna Watch

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joggerjayne | 08:09 Mon 05th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Does that little black jacket really "go" with her red dress?

It looks like she's just arrived, and no one's taken her coat yet.

Or maybe it's a bit cold in the studio this morning? Perhaps she was showing "obvious signs" of being cold, through her thin dress fabric ... and needed to cover up, ha ha ha!


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Nope. Not at all!
now jayne - give young Susu a chance to "ease into the week" - she probs had a hectic weekend? lol How was yours?
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Mine was okay.

Went to see my friends' daughter play lacrosse on Saturday, had a long run and a microwave meal last night.

How was yours, Zhu?
ok...but stayed at home mostly..oh..i received a lecture,for lingering too long with chums at the local Sat afternoon.

more a healthy eating/living thingy issue..!
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But beer is made from cereal of some sort. It must be good for you. Drinking a pint of beer is like eating a bowl of cornflakes, really.
point well made and noted :0)
Her hair looked darker today, think she must have got it coloured over the weekend.

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