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So, what do you suggest trt?
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i sussed you triggs :-)

anything in that artlicle ring a bell Trt - you know when you said that all blacks asain and immigrants were on benefits and i said that we were not brought up like that....

In Malaysia, if you want to earn money, you have to work. And if you want to earn more money, you have to study hard.
which is why you don't see Malaysians spending their days posting on AB.
Yeah, see...^^^ she has you sussed :-)
That was to fluff!!
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fair point
I can imagine this story making some posters sit in the corner and gently rock back and forth to themselves....

I agree with them
But they're Asians
But I agree with them
But they're Asians
But I agree with the,
Arrrrggggghhhhhhhhh..... head explodes.
Chuck I so wish your right. :-)

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Even the Asians have got us sussed out!

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