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joggerjayne | 13:00 Sun 04th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
... come and give the lens a wipe?

Do you need any odd jobs doing?


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Dave, that's a really good webcam.

It seems to update continually.
I'll nip over in the car & wave ;)
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... or moonie?

This is my nearest, two minutes down the road in neighbouring "Westward Ho!"
no, no, I wasn't thinking of checking if Olive was working hard enough, I really did wonder if you'd get a good enough view of the town or beach from JJ's balcony. I don't know who sites these cameras - presumably the one on the website is official in some way - but the view it shows isn't all that great, as JJ said.
Bugger it - I'm driving to Westward Ho instead - love looking at surf in winter :)
this isn't exactly my nearest webcam, but I did drive to work past it most days

looking damp, and no Beatles. It does stream live, though.
Sunny Dave, please dont forget the exclamation mark ! lol see you when you get here :)
I've just been looking at the Abbey Road webcam, it's amazing, every five minutes tourists stop the traffic to do a Beatles pose!
Great game for a wet Sunday afternoon. The Abbey Road Webcam is very entertaining. Who'd have thought so many people woiuld still be visiting the spot on such a miserable day!

Our nearest webcam needs some windscreen wipers too!
Just looking at Ratters Westward Ho webcam. All that surf and sun today!

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