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I would kiss you but

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albaqwerty | 14:34 Thu 08th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
my hands are cold.

That has got to be the most nonsensical thing I've said all year and there's plenty more months to go.


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depends who you said it to... when i give my grandkids a kiss i put my hands on their face and give them a big sloppy kiss.... they would freak if i had cold hands lol
You would kiss my butt ??
you smell and look like a pig
Oh, hang on, sorry ... I read that too quickly.
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lol JJ, said it to Mr Alba.

I took the bin out this morning, we go from the back garden to the front. I forgot front door was locked so he let me in. He could be accused of being a twit for doing so :-D
Wait ... are you one of those people who, when they kiss you, insist on putting their hands on your cheeks (face cheeks! ... I've got a friend who always, I mean always! grabs my arse when she kisses me).

If so, then cold hands would be an issue!
...your halitosis hasn't really gone away.
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ugh no JJ. Mr Alba has enough problems with my cold feet so maybe subconciously I didnt want to inflict cold hands on him :)

lol Sandy, I do take me teef out now and again :)
"... that cold sore looks really weepy!"
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He hadn't shaved......

JJ you must just have a cute bum :)
No, she does it to all her close pals.

Also, when she meets you in public places, she gives you a full on lips kiss, and talks to you at the same time so it feels like she's nibbling your lips. Or maybe she is just nibbling your lips. You get used to her. It's funny when there are people around whom you don't know, because they look at you with that "ooh, crikey" expression.

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I would kiss you but

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