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Gok Wan in China CH4 last Wednesday,

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trt | 18:19 Fri 09th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Can anybody help please?

He was being shown around a place with a replica UK church and what looked like a typical UK road.

Couples were posing for the cameras in their wedding dresses etc. thought he said it was called The Thames something and was wondering if it was in Hong Kong or a big city in China?


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It's Thames Town...


They are going to replicate Manhattan soon....oh dear...
Hi trt

Didn't see that but it was probably Thames Town which is near to Shanghai

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Thanks folks, to kind :-)
Holland Village in Shenyang, NE China, is even more bizarre. It's a Disney-type replica of a Dutch town with lion gates, a replica of the International Court at the Hague, windmills, fake canals with fake boats.
No-one has ever lived there.
The developer, Yang Bin, is currently doing 18 years.
I wonder if this is what happens when a society hasn't allowed its people much free access to the rest of the world?

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Gok Wan in China CH4 last Wednesday,

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