My VW Golf is left out overnight on a dark country lane. I have recently found out that it is being visited by some pesky varments who have taken to helping themselves to the felt insulation under the car bonnet and the occassional nibble at the wiring. Is there a product on the market that I can leave deposites of, in the affected areas, to scare them away and secure the area.
I don't have access to Lion urine which I'm sure would do the trick.
I don't want to use an electronic repeller which there are hundreds available and my cats only like to catch voles, rabbits and squirrels.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thanks guys but no ceegars for any of you yet. I've had a suggestion to use Potassium Cyanide, but I'd probably go visit a lion before trying that stuff. Worst case scenario is to clear out the junk from my garage and try to sqeeze the car in each night.
We had a problem with mice nibbling computer cables at work, so we tried rubbing olbas oil along the surface of the cables, the theory being that it would be too strong for their little mousey noses. It seemed to work. I guess anything really eye-wateringly strong would work, like menthol and eucalyptus. Worth a try.
Seen your other thread as well, but this does sound more like squirrels than mice , there will be mouse droppings if it is mice they look like grains of black rice.
Kiki Frog best answer so far I believe we have olbus oil in the house will try it tomorrow.
Boxtops I think our Hnter Killer Puddy has eradicated all Grey squirrels in the area. Besides the damage has'nt been too invasive so far. I'll look out for clues left by squirrels though nut shells and do-dos etc. Thanks to both of you
Eddie Correct! no mouse droppings in the area, but only small bits of felt nibbled from the bonnet insulation and round some of the cable harness.
Surely a squirrel would do some serious destructive work. The area is limited under the lid but if the engine was warm I suppose one might prefer to spen the night in a Very Warm Golf rather than a Very Cold Drey