Driving A Daqger Through The Heart Of...
News3 mins ago
Don't know if this is the right section, but as there is no law section...
About 5-6 years ago I was at college and was given a project about Icarus. For a laugh I decided to make a pair of wing out of Red Bull cans - you know the slogan 'gives you wings'
I contacted Red Bull and asked it they could help me out with acquiring the cans
They sent a rep to interview me and organise a photo of the finished piece. She gave me a crate of Red Bull. I think it was for an internal company magazine article ( I had a friend with me so I have a witness to this meeting)
I eventually made one wing as I couldn't get enough cans - they were to have been worn by an Icarus lookalike.
I have recently found out Red Bull have a competition for sculpture and things made out of their cans!!
Drinks can don't obviously lend themselves to sculpture so I don't think this is a common link to make.
I believe they have stolen this idea from me.
I emailed them and explained all this - and I received no response.
I don't know what I expected or want, but perhaps an acknowledgement would be nice, but they would probably deny all knowledge of this.
I still have the business card the rep gave me, but I vaguely recall her saying that wasn't her name on it, it was a colleagues - which now sounds slightly ominous, - like that may have been the plan all along. The rep was a student rep I think so they may well have stolen the idea from her too.
I just feel like these big companies trample on us little folk and so feel like causing a stir for them.
I am not after a big legal battle or compensation (although�?) but just be credited with the idea would be nice
It's only fair I feel.
Anyone have any ideas what I could or should do?
Thanks in advance
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Somehow I doubt that 6 years ago, Red Bull thought that they would rip off your idea and had the foresite to tgive you a business card with the wrong persons name on it.
To be perfectly honest, I would be suprised if the staff are the same.
Walkers crisps ripped off the idea of a load of kids around 4 years ago. Walkers came up with idea of Salt and Linekar, and kids from a school wrote in and suggested they use Cheese & Owen. They did not acknowledge the school but came out with the flavour a while later. It hit the papers and (i think) even got covered in Watchdog.
Honest answer, I think you have no chance, unless you try writing to one of the tabloids and see if tehy are quiet enough to pick the story up.
wowo - how do you work out that I ripped off Icarus??
Who owns the copyright? Who should I see for permission?
That's a pretty dumb thing to say.
And yes I know people have been making things from cans for years - I am an artist, so its my trade to study these things - which is why, as I said, I am NOT after compensation or whatever, as I know I didn't invent the idea - I didn't claim it was MY original idea - I did however present the idea to Red Bull, which is why they sent a rep and did an article - it was the fact that it HAD to be their cans, not just any cans otherwise it wouldn't have worked - all I meant was it would be nice if they would acknowledge the idea.
I am curious as to their reaction to my email - I have found out the competition actually started about a year after my show - I only found out about it this year though - bit of a coincidence I think, don't you? How many other drinks companies actually run a competition using their cans?
I realise you think I am seeing pound signs, but I am not at all, my question is one of curiosity.
I'd just like to find out the truth - if my project was their inspiration for their competition, because I actually think it would be kind of cool!
How many times must I say this...I AM NOT AFTER A LEGAL BATTLE OR COMPENSATION!!!
pinotage - please read my posts properly before replying
I never mentioned copyright
i never claimed tin can sculpture was my idea
i know tin can sculpture is common - where do you think i got the idea?
there is no legal issue so what leg would i have to stand on?
this is an issue of where they got the inspiration from, and if there is some way i can get an acknowledgement - plain and simple!!!
please stop speaking to me like i am some kind of money hungry person wanting to sue!
You ask me to read your post. Perhaps you should try reading it yourself!
You first said
Drinks can don't obviously lend themselves to sculpture so I don't think this is a common link to make.
Now you say
i know tin can sculpture is common - where do you think i got the idea?
You said
I believe they have stolen this idea from me.
Huh? They stole the idea from you? The idea you now say is common?
this is an issue of where they got the inspiration from, and if there is some way i can get an acknowledgement - plain and simple!!!
Not from you obviously. What am I missing here?
You originally wanted to make a can sculpture from Red Bull cans. Anyone else would have bought some cans, but you went to them and blagged a free case.
please stop speaking to me like i am some kind of money hungry person wanting to sue!
Thats how your post makes you sound.
thank qapmoc and paul - i was just curious and just wondered if anyone thought it was worth at least sending a few emails. whats the worst that could happen? you never know, they could say 'oh yes!' and agree with me. Unlikely but i guess you don't get if you don't ask eh?
i expect, with the prize money on offer, the sculptures being made now are amazing and much better than mine was - i was skint and pushed for time you see.
don't think i could approach a competitor though, the idea pretty much hinged on the red bull ad slogan, and that icarus wanted wings - it was more about the idea than the finished piece too. i'll get my thinking cap on though ; )
you're right about the big companies though - thats what i find a bit irritating - they trample on the little people and get away with it -and ignoring my email...thats just rude if nothing else!
I have had pieces of artwork actually stolen - by a tutor and claimed as theirs! (all proven, evidence etc) - so its a bit of a peeve of mine
i'd rather they wrote back and said they don't remember anything about me, than ignore me!
ha ha, perhaps I got them worried, thinking i was going launch a big legal battle and they are talking to their lawyers before they reply! teehee!
oh well just have to be more careful next time...perhaps i'll send them a few emails -just to annoy them! LOL