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E-bay listing

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Laughing-Gravy | 17:52 Sat 10th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Mr.LG is selling something and has completed the listing, however all the pics he needs to add are on my pc account. How do I transfer/retrieve them ? Thankyou


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Cant you use a USB stick and transfer them from your pc to his....
Browse the C drive and look under either the users or the documents and settings folder (depending on windows version) and then in your user folder...

If you're lucky you'll be able to access them.

If not cancel out of creating the listing and log in as you on the computer and start over again.
Email them to him (attach them to the email from your account) - he can then save them onto his own computer and upload them to eBay.
Email them to him.
Get him to save the ad, then you complete it and upload the images?
I'd asssumed you were on different computers when I gave you my answer!

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