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Question for all parents of teenage boys!

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Smowball | 14:14 Fri 09th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
Seriously, how would you react if your teenage son, aged 17/18, came home and told you that his girlfriend was pregnant?


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NOX...I think that just about sums up my idea on abortion to a T....Not everybody thinks that way as according to "statistics" around 200,000 abortions are performed a year in England and Wales.
.......thank goodness in the safety of hospitals...when I was 15/16 abortion meant some grimy old woman with a knitting needle or worse..Ugh!
I would turn the spare room into a nursery & care for the babe while the parents knuckle down to earning its keep.
I would never consider doing that Tambo. I want my own life! I see so many grandmothers having to look after babies. Up to them I suppose, but I consider that, although I would help in lots of ways looking after my grandchildren on a more or less permanent basis would not be an option. No way!!!
Several have mentioned the ability young girls have to 'trick' young men. Older ones do also.
My daughter is very anti-having babies without being emotionally and financially ready. She's been like this since her teens-when 2 of her friends fell pregnant just after doing their GCSE's. One girl kept the baby-and last I heard was an excellent young mum. The second girl had lost her own mum only a year before,and her dad worked away-effectively leaving her to fend for herself at 15. She did not keep the baby. But....she had a baby about 6 months ago-she had a brief 'fling' with a young man-got pregnant,and had no intention of including him in the 'family'...I heard that she was having second thoughts over that-but only for the financial contribution he might make. She may have to sell the 'dream' BMW she bought with the £££ her mum left to her.

Back to the Q-I think I'd initially be furious-like someone else said-'HOW-in this day and age?'...but then I'd know that giving love,support and advice would be my only option. Your son sounds sensible,Smowball...let's just hope the baby is his-it would be a shame to see him deceived-it would have a lasting effect on any future relationships for him.
the big A does not just mean abortion. the other A which is available is adoption ?
...mmm....yes anneasquith. that would make a good new subject...especially so with the governments new adoption guidelines for inter race adoptions in the's a bit far off this original question to discuss here but if you fancy starting a new post?
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Thankyou for all of your answers _ i am driving up this wk to see son, mother to be etc. Still getting my head around all of this but will get there

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