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The Queen's English

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AB Editor | 12:52 Thu 08th Mar 2012 | Phrases & Sayings
48 Answers

This poll is closed.

  • Slang should go, but regional accents and habits are important. - 245 votes
  • 69%
  • No! - 72 votes
  • 20%
  • Yes, everyone should try and speak in a similar way. - 27 votes
  • 8%
  • Slang is fine, as long as it is spoken in received pronunciation! - 9 votes
  • 3%

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Accents are fine but children should be encouraged to pronounce words properly.

I remember seeing a clip recently about some children in Essex who said the right words but didn't know how to pronounce them properly and therefore spelt them totally incorrectly. It was quite surprising what they were coming out with. (just a shame I can't remember now).
16:23 Thu 08th Mar 2012
Corby-no probs I am bi-lingual. No-tri lingue. Además sé defenderme.
ou peut etre tu veux te débrouileer en francais et discuter le theme des pensions?
I think Cockney rhyming slang is wonderful and adds to the gaiety of the nation and we would be the poorer without it. A soft Welsh accent is wonderful (there's lovely), as is the Aberdonian lilt and I love the Geordie way of speaking. And I adore the Yorkshire accent and the way the people only use half the number of words others would use, ie It isn't in the tin - Yorkshire version, T'intintin!
So I shall vote No.
Definitely Corby. Hago ejercicio todos los dias y tengo 3 bicis. Subo las cuestes sin problemas. Y tu?
Are you fit?
lovely, lady birder and i agree.
"Fit" means "what" not as in any of the English meanings.
Aberdonian trying on a pair of skis for the first time...''Fit fit fits fit?'' Translates as ''What foot fits what?''

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