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Eggs in fridge

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TheOtherHalf | 13:08 Fri 16th Mar 2012 | Food & Drink
25 Answers
we are told we dont need to keep them in the fridge ( which I dont) but after having some leftover from breakfast, I put them, unshelled in a dish for later, and I know this is a silly question, but why can you keep them unfridgerated when raw but in a fridge when cooked ?


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I know there are lots of bacteria in kitchens. Im very very careful where hygiene is concerned, as my frustrated OH will tell you but I just needed to question this. Does it affect the quality of the eggs if kept in the fridge ?
from DEFRA website;
Why are eggs not refrigerated?

Before purchase by the consumer, EC legislation requires that eggs are stored and transported at a preferably constant temperature. This is current practice within the UK egg industry and the reason why the majority of retail outlets' egg displays are not refrigerated. Changes in storage temperature and humidity can lead to condensation forming on the egg shell which can cause mould growth together with the possibility that any bacteria may infect the eggs as a result. After purchase, the consumer is advised to refrigerate the eggs to maintain freshness and reduce the possibility of bacteria growth resulting from exposure to the temperature and humidity variations of the domestic kitchen.
I keep mine in the fridge, but only so it looks like we've got some food in there.
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thank you chelle. I get my free range eggs from a local farm, so I transport them myself anyway. I also use them quite quickly and have to buy them twice weekly so they are always quite fresh.
I used to keep my in the fridge but now I leave them out on the table and I live in Greece. The Enviromental Department back in the UK told me not to put them in the fridge.

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Eggs in fridge

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