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Is it just me, or are the polls really dull these days?

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flobadob | 22:11 Sun 18th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
There is usually a poll for ABers to vote on when you click on the site. Recently I haven't seen any which have struck a chord with me. Are they a bit irrelevant or is it me?


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Maybe we should have a vote on it
22:12 Sun 18th Mar 2012
Maybe we should have a vote on it
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I rarelly use lol factor, but in this case, lol. Or at least chi(chuckle inwardly).
Yes, I find the polls very boring. I would like them to ask us a poll with personal questions in it and see how many of us tell the truth in it.
Very few I would think -- JonnyBoy12.
Maybe I should ask the Ed to arrange a poll on what colour my hair should be next week lol

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Is it just me, or are the polls really dull these days?

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