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Anything Unexpected Happen Today?

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joggerjayne | 20:10 Tue 20th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
I got the train up to ponky London at lunch time, and met a pal for a curry.

It was a bit hotter than I expected.

A lot, in fact.


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DT, no swisscentre now, it's all change around that area, though just as busy
I was going to say seeing a guy being bundled into a police van in handcuffs down the road earlier but just had to hotfoot it into the kitchen when my machine machine sounded like it was going on a more mental spin than usual to find it half way across the kitchen!
London ain't ponky!!
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is ponky
Croydon's ponkier!!!
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Doesn't Croydon count as London?

The centre of Croydon has the worst traffic system anywhere.

Apart from Kingston.
Nothing unexpected. Something expected. Mothers' Day flowers came via Royal Mail. Was listening for them. When I heard a van outside I saw that it was Royal Mail. Dashed down the stairs, (upstairs flat). Opened the door, saw young chap disappearing into van which had turned around in the Close. Found box of flowers beside the steps. NO SOUND FROM THE DOORBELL. Checked it was working on Sunday and again today. No knock on the door. Box had written on it, "Fresh Flowers. Open Immediately."
Daughter upset because company sent flowers by Royal Mail instead of courier as promised to arrive on Sunday. Both of us upset because Royal Mail
cannot employ somebody capable of ringing a doorbell.

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