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Public health career oppourtunities

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uzoh | 21:57 Wed 04th May 2005 | Jobs & Education
4 Answers
I would like to know the career prospects of someone who has  masters in Public Health. 


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The NHS operate a good graduate training scheme.

You could venture into health promotion or management in the NHS.

I knew someone who had an MA I think in social responsibility.  She used to earn very good money working for a charity, which I think was the Prince's Trust and promoted good practice for GP surgeries.  Subsequently she became a self employed project manager for the NHS, still earning very good money.
There are a huge opportunities for a person who holds masters degree in public health. You can work in hospital as a manager or administration staff. Also you will be able to work for government health departments or in education in medical field. Basically opportunities are limitless with degree. To find out more information on degree in public health visit

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