i've bought a different detergent and I've come out in rash, which of these is the cause do you think?
anionic surfactants; amphoteric surfactants;non-ionic surfactants; perfume;methylchloroisothiazolinone or methylisothiazolinone or water?
Can you check the ingredients of the new detergent against the one that you used before to see what is different. I've just had to chuck all my makeup, not sure what is making my face sore. I'm starting from scratch even the soap.
Iy tool me ages to get the spellings right too! I've no bottles of the usual liquid left, serves me right for choosing something different, I usually use surf liquid or asdas owm none-bio liquid but I took my daughter shopping last week and she wanted some dog food from B & M and I saw this stuff and bought it, gonna have to stop using it my back and neck are covered in red bumos and now one has flared up on my jaw.
Poor you, Dotty. Not 100% sure but odds would be not on the water. Have heard of perfume but absolutely no idea what the other ingredients are. Really useful packaging information. Might be (will be) expensive to find out.
The ingredient likely to cause a problem could be the perfume as other ingredients are common to most. I have to use non perfumed products as far as possible.
Back to te old stuf i think.. OR theres a gentle one called suncare in asda dunno if tesco etc sell...its eczema approved so very gentle on skin and also have a fabric cond too xxx
I've had a similar reaction to detergents so I switched to Surcare washing powder and fabric conditioner a few years ago and haven't had any more problems since. They have them in Sainsbury's and Tesco if that's any help.