anyon watch that programme about trolling there are some vile people in this world, actaully taking pleasure in writing nasty things about kids that have died and celebs just cos they are celebs ooh if i got my hands on them !!!
Unfortunately, there are a lot of them around.. Keep your eyes and minds open, they appear here occasionally, but the Ab Editor keeps the out & under control..
I can't for the life of me understand how people can be so cruel as to do such things. They must live really sad pathetic lives to write such malicious things, especially about children who have died. What is wrong with these people!
Whilst I agree that the activities of these trolls is gross, I also cannot understand why so many people find it necessary to lay the minutae of their life open to others. Must be old age but I like to keep my business and thoughts within a small group of family and friends, except here occasionally for light relief!
Zebo, this wasn't really about people keeping the rest of the world in check with the most mundane aspects of their lives. The trolls were attacking pages set up on Facebook to comemorate people who have died, mostly children.
I'm not a fan of that sort of facebook page and I probably wouldn't post in one for someone I knew, never mind set one up but if doing that helps someones grieving process then what right does any other person have to come along and be so utterly vulgar.
It's right out of order but you have to be raving mental to set up a public site on facebook, or even to be involved in facebook at all, full stop. It's just asking for lowlife cowards to abuse it.