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I'm utterley piss$d!!

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Smowball | 01:00 Sat 24th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Okay, not totally, or else I wouldnt be able to type! But half way there! : )


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I'm not piѕѕed, but I am enjoying a particularly drinkable Chrioubles...
A little that way myself!
Hi Smow, take care.

Mark check the sports relief thread.
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had a lovely silly eve watching nonsense on tv - .......
me too after 3 nights of disturbed sleep due to looking after my little guy . tonight i have the night off so vino is going straight to where it needs to go. :O)
I'm on my first glass. I was on taxi duty tonight...
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mamy - i have been watchin the sports relief all eve - amazing!!
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evening ummm, seriously, ive only had 2 drinks!

I'm on glass 2 now...but it's still full to the brim.
Yes but you want to see the size of ummmm's glass:
3rd glass here that SB
4pts Guinness, bottle of white (oh, and some food).
And 3 pts water since getting home.
Morning just can't come too soon.

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I'm utterley piss$d!!

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