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Dog attacks 5 policemen

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pusskin | 13:34 Fri 23rd Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Is this topic being discussed any where on AB ? I cant find it any where.

Any idea if there is one, and what topic it comes under please


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daffy - you have obviously met my lady cat. At the vet for a check-up 4 humans versus one cat and guess who won.
No very true Wolf, but you can usually judge a dog by it's owner:(
I had a cat that attacked a neighbour once, admittedly the daft neighbour did try and split up a fight between my cat and her dog... with her bare hands, i'm sure you can imagine what happened next.
Whenever I took my large GSD to the vets, she never used a muzzle. Having seen her use it on others, I asked her why not. She said if the owner is frightened of the dog she will muzzle it.
daffy, the most dangerous animals are the humans.
BBC headline: Man charged over Newham police dog attack

I must say, that one does give a 100% wrong impression...
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still makes me shudder when I read of all these dog attacks.
I had a few thing yrs ago concerning being terrified and that feeling has never left me. I wish I was like you lot who love taking your dogs for walks.
I pray that I never stop from having walks in the countryside for fear of a vicious looking dog come bounding towards me. I FREEZE.
I totally understand where Lankeela is coming from. Headlines like this just bring the dog haters out in force with the usual comments about how all dogs are dangerous, all dogs should be muzzled, all dogs should be banned etc. etc. etc. Saying all dogs are dangerous is, in my opinion, like saying all men are rapists!!

And woofgang - brill comment, my sentiments exactly.
I totally disagree, I don't think that is the effect at all.

Please show me where people are making those demands.
I am no way a dog neighbours have Edward, a charming, funny and friendly Bedlington Blue..but having said that I would never keep a dog and just can't understand why a creature with huge teeth at one end and a nasty craphole at the other, is noisy and which can harbour fleas and smell like a ...well....a dog; can be classed as a pet......working dog yes, ideal in many cases..but a pet...not for me thanks.

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