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joggerjayne | 16:39 Sun 25th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Yay ...

The beach is on the front page of The Observer.

It was NUTS! yesterday. Totally heaving!!

But VERY jolly.


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Argus Headlines:

"JJ leads Mass Bonking on Brighton Beach, Sat Night"

"They were all stoned," said Inspector Knacker of Brighton Police.
Question Author
LOL DT ...


he he he

Okay, maybe just a little change to ...

"JJ leads mass (not TOO mass!) bonking in Brighton flat, with balcony doors open so could see the beach if they stood up."


It's a compromise.
I didnt know you lived in Brighton! I was there only a few weeks ago
Question Author
Hope you had a good time, Smow.

Did you stay?
you could probably get more bonkers in your flat if they did stand up.

Or is it only comedians who do stand-up?
Bit to close to france for my liking, anyhoo any news about the wippets jj lol.
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I only do stand ups in the shower.

And on the kitchen work top yesterday.

I'd like to try the balcony, but we might get seen.

Hang on ...

... are we talking at crossed purposes ???
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tony ... Whippets News just posted in Sport !
Nothing wrong with a knee trembler jj.
It's a bu**ger when your knees tremble all the time.
Well stop doing it standing up, gran lol.
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I think I'm going to go for a pub meal. I can't be arsed to cook.
Neither can I...

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