I got my renewal letter for my car insurance today but I can get it cheaper elsewhere. Can I phone them up just now to cancel the renewal (which is automatic) or do I have to wait for the day before to do it? The renewal date is April 14th. Thanks :)
You can contact them anytime and advise that you do not wish to renew with them. If you pay by direct debit on line go into your account and cancel any payment pending to them to ensure they can take no money.
I don't really want to stay with them tbh. I would rather go with someone i've heard of now that i've got 2 years no claims under my belt. It's no longer the case of going with the cheapest possible lol!!
I'm thinking of getting a new car in a couple of months so I want to go with someone who has at least some positive reviews of customer service.... something my current provider doesn't have!