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I do hate these sort of posts

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EvianBaby | 11:19 Mon 26th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
but is anyone else having problems seeing avatars?

The only ones I can see are peoples who haven't changed them from the bubble men. The others are just plain box with the words 'avatar image' in it.

It oddly does make reading through threads harder.

(using Firefox)


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Avatar Image
Nope, mine are fine. Your problem could be:
The fact you bought a cheap 'puter from the back of a van or
you need another shilling in the meter or
you need to go to Specsavers
11:22 Mon 26th Mar 2012
The flake would be a bad idea. No one wants chocolate in their hair.
I stand corrected oh holy one....
I can't believe I havn't received a dam good kicking for my posh new avatar yet.........
Oi shoota, how very dare you!

AbEd, if you are reading this, I wish to protest most vigorously!
An act of pure homage I can assure you and a token of the true esteem in which I hold you........also an outrageous wind up!
rowan - how is something that's brownish-green, wrinkly & with a cidery aroma lacking in Williness? Seems normal to me...
At least they are not filled with sand shoota
You mean you can't see my cute little Foxy Evian?

All the usual suspects on here, EB..
LIK see your doctor urgently!
EvianBaby, I have the same problem and mine is down to our company web filter - classes gravatar as a social networking site - but not AB!!
Question Author
Nope. Can't see nuffink.

It's not work blocking it, always been fine before. Ho hum, not the end of the world.
"Have you tried turning it off and on again"

"and clearing your cache"

"and washing behind your ears"

< hides >

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