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Madonnas bum.

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Traci66 | 13:55 Tue 27th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
Why all the fuss, so it droops a bit, she is 53, time for her to keep it covered, what do you think?


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there is no limit on patronisation evian, everyone gets it in the neck at some point :)
Only a couple years to go Evian :-)
Excuse me! I am still the right side of 30. Just.
You wear it well .... ;+)
You can start patronizing people when you've passed 30 :-)
that's NOT nice..then again she's never done it for me....prefer Susanna Reid
I think she, along with her backside, looks amazing. However there does come a point, even for the mega star that is Madonna when you just can't carry the look of a 20odd year old anymore, and she's beyond that and is looking frankly a bit daft.

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