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Evening appointments at hospital.

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Traci66 | 14:54 Wed 28th Mar 2012 | Body & Soul
15 Answers
When did hospitals start giving evening appointments? The other week I took the son for an MRI scan at 7pm and today hubby has to go for an injection at 18.30. Just wondered.


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I believe it's to get waiting lists down.
Been happening at my place of work for quite a while now, it helps clear the backlog.
When the NHS realised that the working day didn't finish at 5pm.
Patient centred services you will find they run some clinics on saturdays too
Its been going on for ages at Southend Hospital. Not only is it getting waiting lists down but it helps those people who are at work, they can now ask for an evening app't so they don't have to have time off. Our H make app'ts up to 9o/c in the evening.

we now open a lot of outpatient clinics at weekends. it is to get waiting lists down and it helps our tills too :>)
Helps people who can't get there in the daytime, it's all about patient choice these days!
yes when my M-I-L was alive she was given an evening appointment even though she was at home and available for daytime appointments. She didn't want to take it at first as it meant going out in the dark, which she wouldn't do unless being taken door to door somewhere, but I offered to take her for the evening appointment, when we got there it seemed to be much quieter too, so were in and out fairly quickly.
It makes a lot of sense for the NHS to move towards a more 24hr service. The facilities at NHS hospitals are there around the clock so it is certainly a more efficient use of resources.

If I had a choice between a 10pm appointment, or to wait an additional 4 weeks for a 9-5pm slot, I know which I would prefer.
Just a tip.....never be last on an operating list and NEVER take an evening appt.
Why Sqad ???
At the end of the day, staff are tired.........corners get cut.
Because their mistresses will be getting impatient....
I would have thought they would work shifts..
I had an M.R.I scan January 13th 2012, I got an appointment for the results December 18th 2012 It meant 11 month wait just for the results.. Then a letter came to say it was changed to last Saturday 24th March..

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Evening appointments at hospital.

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