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Anyone else have very immature plans for April Fools Day?

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dotty. | 22:04 Fri 30th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I'm planning on announcing my 4th pregnancy


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Ive never done a really good april fools actually!?

Well once i pretended to my ex that my pal was pregnant with his brothers baby LOL......but that was her idea really x
I can't do this as I have no eggs...................
I am just sorry it is not a work day!!! As I had a prank to play on a colleague.
I am pregnant, dotty, or I will be by tomorrow morning
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...I'm still working through craft's reply, it will click in a minute.........
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you and the horse you rode in on DT
Mind it doesn't rebound on you. And don't do anything after 12 o'clock.
"Twelve o'clock has long since past - and you're the April Fool at last."
With that cleavage will anyone be surprised? ;-)
My mum announced she was pregnant on April Fool's. Nearly 7 months later I was here!! :-)
Want to, but on a backshift

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Anyone else have very immature plans for April Fools Day?

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