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Do You Buy Flowers

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bellazella | 23:56 Sun 01st Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
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I love flowers - growing! I hate seeing flowers cut - you are effectively killing them as soon as you pick them. Why not enjoy seeing them grow in their natural environment? So please don't bother sending me any.
Surely you are not killing them when you cut them. A lot are bulbs so will grow again or be propergated. Its no worse than rearing animals for food or eating eggs. I love them , they really cheer up the house whereas houseplants dont seem to have the same effect somehow
I usually have at least ne bunch in the house I love them but mostly prefer white/chream flowers for some reason though people send me the zingiest colours the florist can find..... I suppose they think it matches my personlity or style (not bird of paradise.... nore psychedelic turkey)
Yes. buy them for myself. never pot plants. also cut them from the garden. just love to see them and extra plus if they are scented.
yes, and often get some from friends/family. i love fresh flowers in the house.
Oh Lankeela and I was just about to send you a big bunch.

I should buy flowers for my good lady more often, Im not good with buying flowers :(
Rather have a box of bonios!
Every week, without fail. Unless I'm going to be away on holiday - then it would just be silly, a waste of money and the house would smell of old stale water when I got back :-)

All sorts - from anenomes & iris, to roses & lilies - but usually as many white flowers as I can get, with blue & green mixed in is my favourite combo.

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