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Chris (Buenchico)

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HowardKennitby | 23:41 Sat 31st Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Not heard from him recently, anyone know why?


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He was last on here on 27 March, still active, he maybe off for a few days.
No Idea. I've been thinking the same myself.
Hope he's ok.

He's probably got a job doing a traffic survey.
He's secretly training as a tanker driver................
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He may be enjoying the good weather. As long as nobody needs travel info I expect we will survive till he returns.
Hopefully he is being put up in a hotel on a short term job.

No doubt he is due a bath.
.......... its been a week now. Hopefully he's enjoying a smart hotel and a local pub somewhere interesting.

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Chris (Buenchico)

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