Food & Drink2 mins ago
Money Ignorant!
16 Answers
My grandaughters (7&5) don't understand money yet, because they don't
have a reason to use it, they've got plenty in their money boxes but don't
know what it will buy.They're
not allowed to go to the shops on their own not even the corner shop.
I on the other hand knew what every penny or nalfpenny would buy, even a farthing. Every day I was given a penny and mostly I would go to the Greengrocers & get a penny speck, the bruise would be cut out of an apple or another piece of fruit or I'd have a penny carrot & scrape the outside off on the school wall.
I was certaimly street-wise too I knew every street & road in a mile radious, my mother would send me to the shops to do errands.
Mr Brooks in the greengrocers would let us have a lb of mushroom stalks for 2d a real treat. (We couldn't afford the whole thing) I lived in a busy town not the country.
Anyone else got these sort of memories?
have a reason to use it, they've got plenty in their money boxes but don't
know what it will buy.They're
not allowed to go to the shops on their own not even the corner shop.
I on the other hand knew what every penny or nalfpenny would buy, even a farthing. Every day I was given a penny and mostly I would go to the Greengrocers & get a penny speck, the bruise would be cut out of an apple or another piece of fruit or I'd have a penny carrot & scrape the outside off on the school wall.
I was certaimly street-wise too I knew every street & road in a mile radious, my mother would send me to the shops to do errands.
Mr Brooks in the greengrocers would let us have a lb of mushroom stalks for 2d a real treat. (We couldn't afford the whole thing) I lived in a busy town not the country.
Anyone else got these sort of memories?
I also feel that there's so much choice these days & Mums prob pay by card,sodon't see what costs what & not bothered if not enouugh money
14:59 Fri 06th Apr 2012
I remember being sent to the local shop for odd bits of shopping. Shopping list and pound note or coins wrapped up together. I had to cross the road and my Mum would see me across the road and then look out for me on my return.
I was once given 50p to get 6oz of mushrooms, I thought my Mum had said I could spend the change on sweets. I got a hiding on my return and sent to my room. The sweets were given out over the next few weeks.
This was in the mid seventies.
I was once given 50p to get 6oz of mushrooms, I thought my Mum had said I could spend the change on sweets. I got a hiding on my return and sent to my room. The sweets were given out over the next few weeks.
This was in the mid seventies.
How do Jem and all. :o)
I remember being sent to the corner shop for 5 Park Drives for our mum. I would've only been knee-high to a grasshopper but it didn't seem to occur to the shopkeeper that I might've been smoking 'em myself.
Sometimes I'd buy just one cigarette for her, when she didn't have the money for a full pack. We didn't quite live in a cardboard box, but by 'eck, our walls were thin. :o)
These days my brothers buy fags in boxes of 200. I often wonder what our dear old mum would've thought of that.
I remember being sent to the corner shop for 5 Park Drives for our mum. I would've only been knee-high to a grasshopper but it didn't seem to occur to the shopkeeper that I might've been smoking 'em myself.
Sometimes I'd buy just one cigarette for her, when she didn't have the money for a full pack. We didn't quite live in a cardboard box, but by 'eck, our walls were thin. :o)
These days my brothers buy fags in boxes of 200. I often wonder what our dear old mum would've thought of that.
Likewise from as soon as they can count my kids have been taught the value of money and by 5 or 6 knew exactly what you could or couldn't do with however much they had. They worked for anything above their normal allowance so they also knew the value of their own efforts. I don't think modern dangers and worry about letting them out on their own means that kids can't know the value of money. I don't see the correlaiton at all.
My grandaughters are intelligent little kids but haven't had to learn about money, they see their mother handing over a card when she buys something
so there is no need. The elder one tells me her teacher is now including 'Money Talk' in her lessons and they play shops.
I did notice today tho after I gave them a pound coin each to get an icecrean from the van they were surprised that after giving the man one coin they got several back plus an ice cream. I did give them a money jesson then tho.
so there is no need. The elder one tells me her teacher is now including 'Money Talk' in her lessons and they play shops.
I did notice today tho after I gave them a pound coin each to get an icecrean from the van they were surprised that after giving the man one coin they got several back plus an ice cream. I did give them a money jesson then tho.
No I don't remember that Cath, perhaps thats because I'm a big
Sherbet Lemon fan, always had some in my pocket (still do).
I remember when a large loaf of bread was 4pence halfpenny.
A packet of 5 Woodbines was one shilling. If mother didn't have any money us kids (3 of us) would find as many lemonade bottles as we could take em back to the shop & get the money for her fags. We all knew she was in a foul mood without them.
Sherbet Lemon fan, always had some in my pocket (still do).
I remember when a large loaf of bread was 4pence halfpenny.
A packet of 5 Woodbines was one shilling. If mother didn't have any money us kids (3 of us) would find as many lemonade bottles as we could take em back to the shop & get the money for her fags. We all knew she was in a foul mood without them.