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Colsdore sufferers

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tinkerbell23 | 15:04 Wed 04th Apr 2012 | Body & Soul
25 Answers
Ive just bought an electronic machine- will let you know how i get on- amazing reviews xx


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What job do you do Tinks?
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At present thing- usually Nursing ! (and hopefully soon nursing) xx
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So far so good- blaste it about 7x so far and its definately shrunk!!!!!! :0D wasnt scabbed yet anyhow just red and raised!

It says twice daily but can be used more with no ill im blasting the bugger!!!!
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Have wokeup today....and no scab!! Woohooo still just a little red patch.... So far so good xxx
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Theres still nothing appeared!!!! Fannnntastic- highly recommended xx

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