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Antisocial neighbours

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chris1970 | 11:11 Mon 09th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
65 Answers
what can i do legally to stop people coming over the wall into my garden ? I have caught them before and warned them but after this weekend they have been in agaian and broken my garden table .I am at my wits end ,sensible answers only please.TY


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It's not kids climbing, it's adults.

Guess if the paint is the way you're going you also need to double check that these Neanderthals can actually read first too.
13:03 Mon 09th Apr 2012
It's not kids climbing, it's adults.

Guess if the paint is the way you're going you also need to double check that these Neanderthals can actually read first too.
It's an awkward one isn't it vulcan!
As I said Chuck, It was on Police advice that the spikes were fitted.
plant bramble & nettles, wildlife & butterflies will love you & you can make/sell blackberry pie :)
On the same as paint but Grease, slap a tin or two across the top of the wall Chris, but state what has been done to cover yourself legally.

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Antisocial neighbours

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