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dicmor | 10:35 Fri 30th Mar 2012 | Crosswords
15 Answers
Can anyone PLEASE help my wife by giving thre answer ro STAR SCRAMBLE puzzle in BEST maazine issue 13/12


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Can't do much without the letters to unscramble.
I think they are pictures which have been cut into three .
From a brief Google round someone has come up with
A. Jessie Wallace
B. Tess Daley
C. Billie Piper
Have a look here
scroll down a bit
and btw Micky there's no need to be so rude .If you can't help don't bother .
Oh, sorry dicmor, I thought there were letters to unscramble, not pictures.
old posts. micky is clearing the backlog up.
Just bored again! Might as well do some cleaning up ;-)
You know your going to get offers coming out of your ears now. : )
Don't think anyone really wants a part-time horizontal cleaner! ;-)
Are you my EX ? : )
You're not having your CDs back! ;-(
Not until you dust them, anyway ; )
Ah ha ....I remember you now're the one who had a pop at Siouxie...
And you also had a go at lashley earlier on the BBC Music Magazine thread .
I'm a bit tempted to tell you where to shove your new broom .......
I don't dust them anymore! Think you may need some glue for them! ;-)
and He's broke my CD's Shaney. Bad lad Mickey!!!
Ah ha.... I wondered why the piles were giving me gyp! ;-(

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