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sweets or chocolates

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philip1234 | 22:24 Mon 09th Apr 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
name of sweets or chocolates


this is last answer and have received numerous answers, but does anyone else have any ideas


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definitely not SMARTIES as this is the answer for another clue
I think it's Smarties as well. So what is the original question where you think Smarties was the answer?
Question Author
the original question where i think smarties is the answer was WISE GUYS
Light choclate ?
Or bright something, if there is anything like that.
I think that Smarties is the answer to BOTH questions.
I have seen a link to the answers for a similar quiz and Smarties is the answer to both of the questions you have given.
In fact, there were three questions, that all had the same answer, another clue was clever folk: Smarties.
I saw this suggested as Spangles on another thread last night - spangles are bright, not dim
What about Buttons. You talk about someone being as bright as a button.

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sweets or chocolates

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