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TWR | 18:56 Wed 11th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Do you think the Government is weak regards the above? If tried & found that a person like the evil hook is guilty, there should be no Questions ask, no European court of human rights just kick the scum out.


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That`s a difficult one because some people could be sent back to regimes (such as the Zimbabewan regime) where they will be unjustifiably persecuted.
237SJ, they should think about that before they commit the crime

TWR, yes. I am sick of namby pamby do gooders and the "right to family life" in this country.
Either kick them out or keep them locked up
One problem here - the person you have names was never tried.
Mrs O, it might be "seen" as a crime in some countries but is not seen as a crime here (such as adultery in the Middle East etc)
I think it's because they are terror suspects.
The solution to not sending them back to a country with a murderous regime is to deport them to the first country they entered after leaving their country of origin.
Or failing that, send them across the channel to the land of the cheese eating surrender monkeys.
The question and answers so far given seem to have confused deportation (i.e. send him back to Egypt) with extradition (allow him to be tried in the USA).
There should be a law, any non-British born subject, and that means actually not born in the U.K., no loopholes, if they commit an offence, of any type, stealing, murder etc. should be sent back to their native country, tough luck if they are going to be imprisioned in a dodgy prison, why should the British taxpayer support them in jail here, or even worse, on house arrest. I am in no way racist, but we do not need immigrant criminals quoting their rights to a family life and cats to look after in our country.
What about asylum seekers?
What if they have permission to stay-and have been here for years.
Isn't the word " asylum seeker" a way of getting into this country without a visa?? anyway, where, now, do asylum seekers come from?. it seems that we have issued nearly every one in the world with a british passport anyway.
In a few cases, maybe, not all though.

So they get granted asylum, get married and have a couple of kids. 10 years later he/she gets convicted of a crime. What then?
Whatever happened to the good old-fashioned term "undesirable alien", which of itself was sufficient to guarantee deportation.
It`s not about undesirable aliens though. It`s about people who are wanted in other countries because of crimes that those countries want to prosecute them for. I`m all for suspected terrorists being extradited so that they can be tried in those countries and by the UK not allowing them to be extraditied they are hindering the justice process in those places. Unfortunately, it is not that simple.
Since 2006, following the 2005 bombings, the Home Office are able to revoke British Citizenship.


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