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Would there have been half as much fuss if Titanic had sunk the iceberg all those years ago?

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sandyRoe | 14:27 Thu 12th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Are you, like me, sick of all this Titanic nonsense?


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How could we have only found out the truth in recent years?
because much evidence has only come to light in recent years. Diaries of passengers for one thing, some only recently discovered by families of those long dead. and the fact that at the time of the sinking there was a great deal of misinformation given out immediately, due to the nature of the disaster. It's bit hard to explain i confess. But having watched any number of factual documentaries recently it wasn't quite as portrayed at the time, or even indeed in later years. We know that she sank, but the whys and the wherefores and who was ultimately responsible has been cause for a lot of debate over these last 100 years, and those facts have been revised in more recent times to give a clearer picture and in some cases exonerate some who were called cowards at the time
sorry it's a bit long winded, but i confess that i have been interested in it, but feel it's now time to put it to rest.
Only me finds it interesting then - ahhh well .....
whatever floats your boat, chaptazbru, whatever.......
i find it interesting - along with other similar stuff

but i dont see any major hype - it is simply the 100th anniversary, coupled with camerons world record first ever stuff, and a load of shows on tv being repeated... hardly a massive hoo haa

there are a few memorials but its not like this every year..only because its 100 years
Been trying to think of a witty response, but failed miserably - wish I was clever like you DT !!!
oh dear, chaptazbru has that sinking feeling as to "moi" - :-)

I have no issue with the memorial services and maybe one documentary but it's relentless and the useless bric-à-brac gets up my wick, inc. the stamps. Mind you, the day-to-say Olympic (London logo) stamps are also horrendous.
Good point joko.
No hoo haa! - the local rag down here, the West Briton, only has five pages of "history" - Cornwall lost one person, a Copper miner on his way out to work with two old family. How that merits 5 pages who lnows but then what is normally in the WB is only fit for cage bedding.
Haha did you write that in the Daily Mail today Maggie - or perhaps crib it? :))
I still find it interesting - so there .... lol
No doubt the Cornish angle may well be on line sometime over the weekend, chaptazbru..... http://www.thisiscorn...20Briton/profile.html
Please DT, call me chapta ...

I'm going now my tea beckons.

Oh my god DT! 5 pages in a local news paper! my god what a hoohaa!

i hope the council can cope with that!... how are people dealing with the upheaval? hopefully things will go back to normal soon...
here's a different slant on the story......


i appreciate the sentiments of the relatives etc, but OVERKILL!

and the tv prog is dire and in poor taste!

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Would there have been half as much fuss if Titanic had sunk the iceberg all those years ago?

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