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Brinjal | 11:42 Sat 14th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
How do you pronounce churrosqueria? Is it churros car rea. Or churros ca ria?


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Yes so how is it pronounced. Is it Caria as in car ree a. Or short a ca. ree a
More nearly ...keer ee ya ...
yes more like churros key eria
no; no i in it, churros key ira
It's NEVER going to be KEE in the middle.

Que in Latin-derived languages says KAY, a bit like Manuel does in Fawlty Towers...
Question Author
Thanks everyone. People seem to Anglesise the pronunciation. I know Otis Portuguese rather than Spanish but thought the pro unciation would be the same as I'm pellequeria.

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