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Ginormous bug

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sherrardk | 22:46 Sat 14th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Just had to squish the biggest bug thing I have seen - like an ear wig with wings. Yeuch, no idea what it was!


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It is, however, a dead flying earwig -the best type
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When my head hits that pillow I am fast asleep - not very nice wanting me to have nightmares though.
Not a May Bug if it was skinny, they have rounded bodies, not unlike a scarab beetle shape.
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Exactly Lardhelmet, insects I can identify are safe, the ones I can't are goners.
Just looked at your link ann and all I can say is "Ahhhhhggggg" I shall buy some insect killer and a great big swatter in the next few days.
Yeah, almost certainly possessed by the devil, it's so easy to tell. Just kill everything strange to be on the safe side. Get a grip, it was only a piddly little insect and competely harmless.
When I lived in Northampton we were larking about in the garden with a bat and ball. Suddenly large flying things were coming out of the ground and flying into the trees. They left holes in the grass where thy emerged from. We never did find out what they were. I have never seen any thing like them either before or since. They made a lot of noise and appeared to have a body shell like. Any ideas anyone.
Alien bugs???
If it was a horse fly as on your link annie, they are to be avoided at all costs - Hubby got badly bitten on his hand by one two years ago it turned very nasty (the hand not the bug!) :)
Been on the bottle sher ?
yeah they are not nice - my OH used to work in forestry and had a few nasty bites - we've come across a few from time to time and Oh says he'd rather get stung by a wasp than have a bite from a cleg.
Could have been Annie. Large, noisy, out of the lawn, even frightening but never found out.
Micmac, they were probably maybugs or chafer bugs, as the larvae live on roots.
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Wow, didn't realise people were so pro-bug. It was a skinny, long flying thing, it is dead, end of.
Its now snug as a bug in a rug ................. :)
Can't resist this for you Sherr - enjoy it, its sweet really!
It may be dead Sherr, but it's family is coming looking for it. Be afraid, very afraid.

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