Morning all - frosty but bright here on the south-east coast (North Foreland to Portland Bill, for those who listen to the shipping forecast). OH and I have a trip to the dentist this morning :-(
Morning commoner - glad to know that all is well in Gods Own County. This area is definitely not a drought area - I think the rain we get in this corner of Wales would keep the whole of the country hydrated!!! I went out for a drive last weekend and [passed quite a few of our local lakes and reservoirs and can report all full to the brim!!!
Morning all this gorgeous Monday morning - hrrrm, it's a pasty grey out there, one of those non-descript skies that could well lead to the wet stuff later; even though we don't need more H2O down here, a lot of the rest of you do....
I guess its back to the work but then I spent a lot of time editing and proofing yesterday, so today feels like Tuesday already.