First, I'm proud of you Annie. Instilling these values in your children will have lasting benefits. My father did the same with me and all these years on I'm grateful. When I was ten I was tending to neighbours gardens, dog-walking and at Christmas my father would take me into the forest and we'd practice the safe use of a rifle. The target never-ever being a living thing (mammal-wise), but targeting mistletoe. I'd gather the mistletoe and break it into small batches, placing them in sandwich bags and I stood outside Waitrose selling the bags. I'm not sure whether people thought I looked sad, cute, or creative - perhaps a bit of each, but I could easily raise up to £75 in a good day! Add to this for your children the fact they have a sound and inspiring reason to be entering this small enterprise; they could print a tiny piece of paper that thanks the purchaser, explaining what their goal is for their Scouting event.
Plant some questions during family dinner and let their creative juices flow. You may find they already have some seeds of creative ideas to hand.
I wish you every success!