I would pefer free will, but sometimes you cannot change the path we find ourselves on - Somethings are out of our control. Predeterminism offers support and hope. Yes, I focus on the good, but do these happen for a reason too?
Pre-determination suggests a designer - and since I don't believe in a designer, I don't believe in pre-determination. We have to deal with life as it comes.
Some things can't be avoided like some diseases and unforseen events but most things you are the master of your own destiny although things might not always go as you suppose. The very worst thing that ever happened in my whole life came about because I was trying to help someone- no good deed goes unpunished.
Predeterminism doesn't suggest a designer to me. It's not necessarily an intended goal, just a path one can not escape.
One likes to believe the conscious makes it's own decisions; however recent brain scans have suggested a decision is made before the conscious has knowingly made it. So maybe it is all an illusion. Perhaps we think we have come to our own decision but it is the decision we were bound to make because of who we are and where we find ourselves.