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Now where did i put the wife's credit cards !!
Question Author
ha ha shooter. Fancy getting your hand caught in that thing.
What if you put your fingers in?!
That is a monster machine : )
On second thoughts, where did i put the wife ; )
I'd beg to differ...
Have you one like that at home Chuck?
Question Author
oooh getting scarier by the minute chuck
It's handy for getting rid of things like paperwork, old bills, door to door salesmen....
LOL Chuck
You lot are just showing toys
Now thats what I call a shredder.
Question Author
Can you imagine what would happen if some one fell in one of these things?
doesnt bear thinking about does it
Thats what i was thinking pusskin
What no safety guard!
That'll be handy after the divorce when she wants half the furniture.
Question Author
I was thinking that them machines are a lot cheaper than a burial.

Now --who would I want to get rid of? lol

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no grinder can beat this one?

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