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Don't you feel a lump in your throat watching the start of the Marathon all these people doing their own little bit. Lets hope it goes uninterupted.

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wendilla | 09:54 Sun 22nd Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
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i love the sight of the crowd at the start - so focused and excited but peaceful.
I do Wendilla and I'm in awe of people's efforts in taking part. I couldn't run 100 metres I don't think.
" Hope it goes uninterupted" What does that mean Wendi? has there been some sort of threat then?

Over 33.000 taking part WOW!! can you imagine how much is being donated to the various charities? A few bob there I think.
GOOD LUCK to all & Thankyou folks.

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No. just after what happened at the boat race.
No, not really - but I don't watch it much now. It concentrates too much on the serious athletes and I think that's a great shame. I would prefer the ordinary people, who dress up and have fun raising money for charity, to get more of a look in - as they did when it first started.
I don't think someone standing in the middle of the road will stop 33,000 runners.

Massive respect to everyone who takes part but watching it is not my cup of tea.
^^ What he said.

I'd forgotten it was on. I don't care for the commentators and have always been put off watching by their voices.

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Don't you feel a lump in your throat watching the start of the Marathon all these people doing their own little bit. Lets hope it goes uninterupted.

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