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Crikey ... !

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joggerjayne | 01:07 Sun 22nd Apr 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
15 Answers
Apparently we've only got about a month before it starts going pear shaped ...


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Speak for yourself JJ.

Judgement day has been prophecised loads of times. It usually involves sending all your money (you won't be needing it) to some bloke in America that a couple of days after armageddon says 'Sorry - I got the date wrong, but I'll keep the money anyway'.
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One of our term deposits was going to mature end coming May, what a waste.
oh schitt...I've booked for Oz in June :(
Now Jayne, don’t mock. Ronald Weinland is no ordinary author. According to his website God made him a prophet in 1997. That should sell a few more books! ;o)

Harold Camping is the fellow who twice predicted the world would end last year. He is reported to have resigned his post as radio preacher – probably the most sensible decision he ever made.


Terry Jones, pastor of the Dove (a misnomer surely?) World Outreach Centre in Gainesville, Florida, is the Koran burner – and he intends doing it again next week.
Clean knicks every day then.....imagine the end of ages occurring if you didn't have decent drawers on.
Drawers! Haaaaaaa! Haven't heard that expression for years!
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Something that the churches don’t teach you, God’s way is love, Everything God has done he did out of love. He has expressed his purpose in the Bible, and we can depend on his Word. The Bible has been proved to be true with regard to the preaching work. Jesus described this global work when he enumerated various things that would happen in the time of the end. Included in his prophecy was this meaningful statement: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.”(Matt. 24:14) so when is it all going to happen? Well here are some facts related to that detail of Jesus’ prophecy. The number of people proclaiming the good news now has grown to 8,000,000 Witnesses of Jehovah preaching throughout the earth, with 700 a day being added.

So we can be sure that with God’s holy spirit working on the hearts of vigilant people who are willing to serve, this preaching work will be carried on to a successful conclusion, “and then the end will come.” That time is rapidly approaching.

And when the time comes for that to happen, God will “put it into their [the political rulers’] hearts to carry out his thought” to destroy all false religion. (Rev. 17:17) So this destruction can be said to come from God. It is his judgment against hypocritical religion that for so long has taught doctrines contrary to God’s will and that has persecuted his servants. The world in general does not anticipate this coming destruction of false religion. But Jehovah’s faithful servants do. And throughout these last days, they have been telling people about it.
Goodlife, what are you going on about. If people haven't read the bible it is because they don't want to so won't read your excerpts. If they have read the bible they are pointless. So, please stop copying and pasting, you are doing more harm than good to your cause.
No no, everyone should read the Bible. Firstly, there's some really great bits in there and it's essential for an understanding of western literature.

However, the best reason is that actually reading it is the best possible advert for atheism. Ditto the Koran and every other religious book. It's hard to read these things and take them remotely seriously afterwards.
Not again!
OH NO!! The Mayans are gonna be devestated.

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Crikey ... !

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