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why do people rabbit on?

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emmie | 14:32 Wed 25th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
the radio is on, and for unknown reasons the station has introduced a slot where people can phone in, and some who do, do not seem to know when it's time to get off the air. I switched to a classical music station a long time ago as i found that pop music stations were about the DJ's and their ego's. Now when a member of the public gets their few minutes of fame they witter on as though there's no tomorrow. I only care about the music, not the chat, perhaps it's time to go back to Radio 3. Perhaps you like the chatty people stuff too, any thoughts?


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If I tune to a music programme, I like to hear music, not the witterers that you mention. It's probably a case of 'oh, at last, I've got a chance to tell the world how interesting I am.' Most people's favourite subject is themselves, but I think that it might be a good idea if the DJ could give the talker a subtle hint that perhaps they ought to pipe down, and make room for a bit of music.
I don't listen to the radio any more for the exact reason you mention. All I want to hear is the music and the DJ intro, Maybe some news and weather but that is it!
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one of the presenters is a twerp, and i cannot bear to listen to him, there is the off switch i know, and i do just that. He witters on, using mockney type language and i want to yell at the radio get off you bleep, bleep.
But members of the public seem to have no concept of how they come across on radio or tv, telling all unsundry their business, whilst all i want is the music.

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why do people rabbit on?

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