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Slightly concerning?

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EvianBaby | 19:26 Thu 26th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
I just popped up the shop to get some milk (well, I went for choc really but milk was a good excuse).

As I got out the car a little girl standing outside said she liked my top. She was no older than 10. She had a huskie with her so I joked I liked her dog and we could swap. We chatted for a minute and then I went in. When I came back out I smiled as I walked by and she said 'can I have your phone number'. Obviously my reply was sorry sweetheart, I can't give you my number. I asked if her mum was in the shop to check she wasnt alone and she said yes, but don't tell her I asked for your number because she doesn't like it. I agreed that her mum was probably right about that and made my excuses.

Is it a little concerning that such a young girl is going round asking complete strangers for their number?

(I'm also worried I appear to have the same taste in clothing as a small child).


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im inclined to think maybe she is just a bit lonely, maybe she has a new mobile but has very few people to call or text and as you were nice maybe she just thought shed made a new friend, someone to text etc.

some kids wouldnt see it as odd, and just see you as a nice person, a new pal... maybe she spends a lot of time with older people - aunties etc so sees nothing wrong with befriending older people
also she is coming up to puberty and maybe is starting to wish she was more grown up?

it is a bit odd to us, but in her head it was probably normal.
its more worrying that she may say it to men or younger llads - who i am sure would mostly give the same resopinse you did, but you never know one or two may not, and may see it as a proposition...

getting the paranoid head on...could it have been a cry for help? did she seem at all like something was wrong?
Maybe stole the dog .The jumper was just a bluff .Happens to me all the time nothing to wear but we have a house full of stolen dogs
your post just reminded me of my own strange incident the other day - a young lad of about 11 or 12 approached my hubby who was sitting in the car waiting for me to come out of the library - lad asked to borrow money for bus fare, hubby said sorry got no money on me, lad said he needed to catch bus to go meet his friend at shopping centre couple of miles away - hubby said that's where we're going - i walked around the corner and as i approached car, kid got in back seat! hubby said no way he'd have let kid in if i hadn't been there - but my point is that kid could have said anything about getting in car with us! and also - i was telling him off all the way there telling him he shouldn't trust strangers and get in people's cars! was really worried about him doing that with other people! personally i wouldn't have let him have a lift, but i suppose my hubby doesn't think about things like what the kid could say afterwards....
I was a school caretaker in a primary school for seventeen years and you really get to know the children in that kind of job.
Some of the younger ones used to throw there arms around my legs and much as I love kids I used to feel really awkward when they did that and I had to signal to another adult (usually their teacher), to get them away from me as I was not allowed to touch them in any way. Even to prise them off. As many of you have said already, some children have no idea as to the dangers of becoming too friendly with adults. Not that I'm a threat, obviously, but you see what I mean. It's very sad but that's the way of the world.
that's what i mean parkdale - that kid got in the back of the car before i'd got to it - my hubby, or even both of us, could have been anyone - he just didn't seem to see the danger - i hope i managed to explain it to him by the time we got there - i was so paranoid having him in the car, just fearing all these accusations that could be made against us - he was a nice lad and all that, but if he got into our car with no thought about it, i worry he'll get in the wrong car one day.....
Back in the early 80s a boy of about 10 came up to me outside a public toilet and offered me a sex act for £5.
I regret to this day just walking off, and not grabbing him by the scruff and marching him off to the police station, social services or something.
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Wow HC, that's a whole different type of concerning!

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