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I had a dream last night

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EvianBaby | 18:33 Fri 27th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
That I got a little rabbit. (the fact I let it run around a room with my cat and another cat with disaterous concequences is irrelevant) and now today I keep seeing stuff about rabbits.

What does it all meeaaaannnn !?!?


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you're horny?

Rampant rabbits?
It probably means nothing... It's just because you're thinking about your dream that you think you're seeing more stuff about rabbits than normal.

Does that make sense?

I think Boo's explanation is spot on about the dream I had about Mr Hudson last night :)
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perhaps your sex life needs to be kept in check

That's totally wrong! That assumes I have one! ;)
as long as it was Mrs Hudson (Upstairs Downstairs) Erin, we'll forgive you.
that's just reminded me. I had a dream last night, it was a bit scary. What woke me up was when I hit the OH.
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Erin's answer is far more likely and causes me less blushes. :)
No no! Ben Hudson.. he's a singer :)

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I had a dream last night

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