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Britains-Got-Talent, this boy should not have been there...

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trt | 02:47 Sun 29th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
He was to young and its all done for viewing figures, when will BGT learn, and shame on the Mother for pushing him to be on TV when he obviously wasn't happy to be there!!!

There should be an age limit of at least 16, to stop parents pushing their children to be would be stars and making them money..



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Nah, you can't keep kids wrapped up in cotton wool. BGT and many similar situations can obviously be overwhelming for young children, but facing up to fears, particularly ones that involve publicly airing real talent - standing on that cliff and jumping - are golden opportunities. That said, I did wipe away a tear when I watched this.
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You don't know his Mother is a pushy mother.
I used to do dance shows when I was a kid in big theatres. Apart from the tv cameras, it's not really any different.

My parents were pleased when I stopped being interested but only because it saved them a fortune in petrol and costume money.

It's character building isn't it?
Most kids push their parents.

My Dad spent a small fortune on my dancing. He was extremely happy when I stopped, a big sigh of relief I think.
Not him that bothered me it was that Geisha THING.....scared the sh1t3 out of me and it takes a lot to do thatat my age.......:-0
Yeah....she was weird but strangely entertaining. In a morbid fascinated way...
How do you know his mother was pushing him? TV's a scary experience, whether you are 9 or 29.
He didn't seem unhappy to be there judging by the video in the linked article, he was probably just emotional because of the positive reaction of the audience. He has a great voice.
Admittedly he has talent but personally I kiked the 11 yr old Molly Rainford....much better voice and such poise for a teeny....nice ;-)
She's beautiful....

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